Last week The Mike took *my* camera on his fishing tournament trip to Clearlake and I missed it greatly.
Oh, Lawdy did I miss it so! It's become a part of me. Like my knitting.
I made him promise that he would actually take pictures of his environs while out and about and I have to give him credit. He not only "took pictures", he took a few good ones!
My top three favorites:

The land line is even and the clouds look great. He's pretty close to the 1/3rd rule too.

Again, the lines are even and his subject matter is attractive

My personal favorite. Look at that composition! I would have taken that picture myself, LOL.
He had some also-rans. The top three almosts:

A really good shot but I find the lopsidedness distracting

Another really good one overall, but the subject matter is too far away for me to identify

The Mike's partner took this one. The subject matter is eye-catching . . . and the fish is a beaut too, LOL. Tray doesn't know from out-of-focus or framing or anything picture taking related so I'm not really unhappy with it outside of the generic "it could have been better" if taken by someone more into photography.
Thank me that I've spared you the other 32 horribly crappy pictures he came home with. Bless his pointy little head though because the effort was worthy of an A+.
He doesn't listen to me about how to fold the laundry properly, but maybe . . . just maybe . . . he's been keeping his ears open when I discuss photography.